Coordinape Launched CoSoul, A Soulbound NFT For Web3 Work Tracking

Coordinape Launched CoSoul, A Soulbound NFT For Web3 Work Tracking

Coordinape has introduced CoSoul, a soulbound NFT tracking work history within digital organizations. It is a free-to-mint, evolving digital asset on Optimism.

Coordinape, a digital community platform has confirmed the launch of CoSoul, a soulbound NFT that helps track holders’ work history in the digitally-native organizations. The free-to-mint NFT, designed to work on the Ethereum layer 2 network Optimism, collects all participation accolades, data, and employment validation on-chain.

Being non-transferable assets, Soulbound NFTs help in representing social identity in a decentralized society. CoSoul is nonetheless not a static representation of a holder’s work history; it updates every month with new metrics and then generates artwork that changes according to the holder’s activity.

CoSoul NFT tracker

The Coordinape developers expressed lots of excitement about introducing the experiences of more than 15,000 users who have collected GIVE in Coordinape since its launch in 2021 onto the blockchain. They declared:

“CoSoul is the first public manifestation of the Coordinape network and a primitive on which much more will be built.”

Collecting And Displaying Work History On-Chain

At the center of CoSoul are multiple features. First, the CoSoul Soulbound NFT presents a significant snapshot of a holder’s work history on-chain. It can be viewed in the Coordinape app and any NFT viewing platform and incorporated into any tool that can help leverage nonfungible token data.

A CoSoul’s attributes are set to update every month according to the holder’s work within the Coordinape ecosystem. The process starts with an MVP metric called Public GIVE, a normalized version of the GIVE that a user has collected.

Nevertheless, it appears to be just the start. CoSoul’s design also features a generative art element, developing a continuously changing image that grows and keeps evolving as users continue to engage with decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and online communities via Coordinape.

Furthermore, CoSoul offers a public profile that displays the art and provenance of the GIVE received by users. It also enables all CoSoul to be browsed to determine where pGIVE originated and to review more markers and stats.

The Future Of CoSoul

CoSoul is well-designed with security and flexibility in mind. In that context, users can burn their CoSoul at any moment, and social recovery functions are set in place in case the users have to change wallets.

Looking into the future, the Coordinape developers have plans to continue creating on CoSoul. They have given 32 slots for extra metrics and data and aim to link CoSoul with other dApps, protocols, and platforms.

While there are no defined plans for eyeball scanning, the team behind the project aims to promote a future of identity rooted in the history of work and human relationships. By using the lens of this ethos, Coordinape envisions CoSoul as an integral component in the evolving landscape of decentralized identity management.


Coordinape’s introduction of CoSoul marks an impressive step forward in the sector of decentralized identity and digital organizations. The innovative soulbound NFT, free-to-mint and capable of changing with a holder’s activity, provides a strong solution for tracking and validating work history on-chain.

With most of these features set to expand, reviewing how this development influences the wider DAO and web3 space will be highly interesting.

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