DAO4ART To Launch A Trillion-Dollar AIGC+NFT Market

DAO4ART To Launch A Trillion-Dollar AIGC+NFT Market

This year, AI technology appears to be everywhere. From the content creation space to design and programming, the AIGC market is now expanding rapidly. Despite all that popularity, the niches seemed significantly challenging to monetize – until now.

With different platforms like DAO4ART, now users like us can reap the potential financial benefits of artificial intelligence technology and stay right on trend. Here is how users can monetize the technology:

The AIGC market is now among the fastest-growing sectors on the market, but its generated content still lacks methods of monetization

image of a robot handshake with a human
The AIGC market is among the fastest-growing markets, yet its generated content still lacks means of monetization.

Why The AIGC Market Is So Valuable

By 2022, the AIGC market was valued at a decent $136 billion – and that was before the ChatGPT trend hit the world. Illustratively, the market is projected to have an annual growth rate of 37.3% by 2030. With lots of tools and creators already active on the market, we can only visualize the future expansion and how artificial intelligence technology will get incorporated into virtually all business models.

Midjourney is a top example of a successful AI firm. The independent lab opened beta testing in July 2022. Currently, millions of users have turned to utilize bots to generate visual artwork according To different prompts. Its key competitor developed by OpenAI, DALL-E, has over one million active users as well. Likewise, the AI content platform Jasper raised at least $125 million in 2022 alone at a $1.5 billion valuation.

Sadly, however, a majority of the users lack the means to monetize these great results generated by AI tools. While the market is touted to have massive potential, its real use with financial gains is yet to be explored.

AIGC is designed to enable content creators to bring their visions to life.

AI-generated image in a classical painting style
AIGC enables content creators to bring their visions to life. Credit: Jenn Mishra

How AIGC Impacts The General NFT Market

Today, NFT investors and developers are recovering from the 2022 bear market. As highlighted in recent statistics, there have been more than 101 million NFT transactions in 2022 – which is more than double the numbers recorded in 2021. Nevertheless, the NFTs traded in 2022 had a significantly lower value than the previous year, which resulted in the market collapse.

Looking into 2023’s NFT projects, the investors can also see that there is little innovation – one that AI tech may offer. From artists to DAOs and even game developers, digital creators can incorporate AI technology into every aspect of their different Web3 projects.

But, a majority lack the resources and knowledge needed to monetize their AIGC digital products. Whether it is the royalties or copyright issues, developers and creators have been facing hiccups at every step of the way.

That is where DAO4ART comes in. It is designed to enable digital creators to monetize their AI-generated visual content.

screenshot of the DAO4art platform of AIGC content
DAO4ART helps digital creators monetize their AI-generated visual content.

How DAO4ART Innovates The Thriving Niche

Essentially, DAO4ART works as the link between the AIGC and NFT markets. The decentralized autonomous organization supports DAO-based production and partnership via innovative solutions. One of them, for example, is royalty tokenization, which assists NFT creators in monetizing their works – including AI-generated content.

To further support the new sector, DAO4ART also unleashed a 100 x 100 series of AI-generated content by the community members. Their CryptoJogger drops are also known to present AIGC developments. The launches are already available on the secondary NFT markets and generate revenue for their developers.

If you want to learn more about the DAO4ART project, check out their Twitter and Discord communities.

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