Forbes Dives Deep Into The Sandbox Metaverse

Forbes officially entered the metaverse by setting up a permanent presence within The Sandbox. Notably, the move highlights Forbes’ recognition of the metaverse and Web3’s growing potential to boost digital interaction and community engagement. Establishing the virtual land confirms the global media firm’s intention to boost a community hub for its Web3 audience. Forbes Dives… Continue reading Forbes Dives Deep Into The Sandbox Metaverse

Major NFT Hacks 2023: Protect Your Digital Assets

With the increasing prominence of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), the risk of hacks and cyberattacks targeting these digital assets has also intensified. Here, we will explore some of the major NFT hacks that happened in 2023 and discuss methods of protecting your valuable digital assets. NFTs And Their Weaknesses NFTs are stored on various blockchain platforms,… Continue reading Major NFT Hacks 2023: Protect Your Digital Assets

HSBC Enters Blockchain Space With Digital Asset Custody

HSBC, a major operator in the global banking industry, has taken a step into the digital asset space. The British bank’s recent announcement to offer custody services for tokenized securities marks a new development in the financial sector’s adoption of blockchain technology. HSBC Partners With Metaco By leveraging the expertise of Swiss crypto custody company… Continue reading HSBC Enters Blockchain Space With Digital Asset Custody

PayPal Submitted Patent For NFT Trading Platform

The latest reports indicate that PayPal is entering the non-fungible token (NFT) space. This strategic move is accompanied by a patent application that provides insight into PayPal’s vision for an NFT marketplace within its network. While PayPal already plays an integral role in digital transactions, the venture into NFTs highlights its ambition to set up… Continue reading PayPal Submitted Patent For NFT Trading Platform

China To Increase Metaverse Use In Key Industries

In a recent official statement, Wu Zhong-ze, formerly the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology in China, insisted on the importance of broadening the utilization of the metaverse across different industries. Despite China’s stringent regulations on cryptos and nonfungible tokens (NFTs), the Asian nation acknowledges the possibilities and opportunities that come with… Continue reading China To Increase Metaverse Use In Key Industries

Nike’s “Our Force 1” Unleashes A New Chapter In Digital Sneakers Arena

Nike has been among the leading firms in the apparel sector looking to exploit the opportunities that come with Web3. Its latest venture, the “Our Force 1” collection, seems to be taking the digital sneaker space by storm. Introduced on the Swoosh Web3 marketplace, the groundbreaking initiative lets fans own virtual Air Force 1 sneaker… Continue reading Nike’s “Our Force 1” Unleashes A New Chapter In Digital Sneakers Arena

Wine NFTs: Bored Grapes Integrates Real Wine With Virtual Vineyards

The NFT world is thriving once more in 2023. But if you think you have seen it all think again. The world of Wine NFTs has come up, where virtual vineyards and physical wine bottles meet. Bored Grapes is a project that was co-launched by Oregon-based winemaker Nicholas Keeler of Authentique Wine Cellars. He partnered… Continue reading Wine NFTs: Bored Grapes Integrates Real Wine With Virtual Vineyards

ZEBEDEE And Edgegap Revolutionize Gaming With Bitcoin Integration

ZEBEDEE and Edgegap have partnered to make Edgegap’s multiplayer game platform accessible to game developers. They have decided to do this by utilizing ZEBEDEE’s payment network. The new partnership strives to develop a unified global marketplace for game makers and players alike. Considerably, the collaboration brings in two innovative firms to achieve the vision. Let… Continue reading ZEBEDEE And Edgegap Revolutionize Gaming With Bitcoin Integration

Japan Updates Its NFT Taxation Rules And Guidelines

Japan’s National Tax Agency (NTA) confirmed that it has updated its official nonfungible token (NFT) taxation guidelines. For instance, NTA will calculate the cumulative income of a citizen’s currency at the end of every year so that they will only need to pay taxes once. Officials now hope that the change will encourage the traders… Continue reading Japan Updates Its NFT Taxation Rules And Guidelines

Sacha Jafri Introduces Customized Rolls-Royces With NFTs

British luxury automaker, Rolls-Royce Motor, has partnered with world-famous modern artist, Sacha Jafri to unveil six hand-painted cars along with their nonfungible tokens (NFTs). Titled ‘The Six Elements’, the NFT collection features six distinct Phantom Extended Series II cars. Furthermore, the paintings take some inspiration from Jafri’s acclaimed ‘Journey of Humanity’ painting. Here is what… Continue reading Sacha Jafri Introduces Customized Rolls-Royces With NFTs